Kalimat Progressive dan Non Progressive

Dalam bahasa Inggris ada beberapa kata kerja yang biasanya tidak bisa di Continuous-kan karena hanya menyatakan suatu kondisi atau keadaan (stative verb) tidak menyatakan suatu aktifitas (dynamic verbs) diantaranya:

Apprecite, belive, belong, care, contain,dislike, envy, fear, know, like, love, mind, need, realize, recognize, seem, sound, understand, Etc.

1.      The student will understand the new lesson
(Ps.Pf.C)         : the student had understood the new lesson
(Ps.F.C)           : the student would understand the new lesson
2.      My old brother needs much money]
(Ps.C)              : my old brother needed much money
(Pr.Pf.C)          : my old brother has needed much money

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